Bad Girl Blogging

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Okay, I was blogging around, because well I should be writing, but I'm procrastinating like mad...

And I came across a really cool blog...

I think I will visit quite often to get up on my celebrity gossip, plus I think the blog looks funky! I want a funky blog like that! Hmmm, will have to do some revamping really soon.

And on that blog came across this blog....

Now, I've always been a fan of Ryan Reynolds, I think he's VERY funny and well Canadian, and that makes him even more appealing. And I watched Amittyville Horror on the weekend, and HOLY FUCK, he was ripped! MY GOD he looked so amazing, I just drooled over him the whole time not giving a rat's ass what was going on in the movie. I mean who cares that the house is possessed when Ryan Reynold's is walking around without his shirt on, and the bath tub scene....

I say there should be more movies where men are having baths. We always get the girl in the shower or bath scene....BOOOOOO!

Anyone know of any movies with good men shower or bathtub scenes? I think I'm going to do a collection of good bathroom scenes with men in them!

Posted by Vivi Anna :: 9:04 AM :: 2 Comments:

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